Anitha Vijayakumar
Director, Technical Program Management, Google
Anne Simonds
Founder & CEO, Muse System Enterprises
Auriel Wright
RAI & Perception Fairness Product Manager, Google
Carolyn Ujcic
Global Head, AI & Analytics COE, Google Cloud
Divya Jain
Director, Engineering at Core ML
Divyashree Sreepathihalli
Machine Learning Engineer
Dominique Thorne
Actress, Black Panther:
Wakanda Forever
Dr. Mari Kobayashi
Associate Professor of AIC, Keio University
Dr. Roberta Duarte
Astrophysicist, Black Hole Group
Dr. Vivienne Ming
Professional Mad Scientist
He (Helen) Jiang
Software Engineer, Google
Joana Carrasqueira
Head of Community in Developer Relations, Google ML
Joyce Shen
AI Investor, Author and Machine Learning at UC Berkeley
Laurence Moroney
Lead AI Advocate
Lu Wang
Software Engineer, Google
Michelle Carney
Senior UX Researcher, Google ML and Lecturer at Stanford University
Sari Furumuro
Instructor at Women's AI Study Group, Keio University 3rd Year
Sharbani Roy
Senior Director, Core ML, Google
Shilpa Kancharla
Developer Relations Engineer, Google
Soo Sung
Technical Writer, Google ML
Tulsee Doshi
Director of Product Management, Google Research
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